Once upon a time there were seven dragons whose names were Dart, Shana, Leavits, Meru, Rose, Kongol, and Haschel. They had special powers. Dart had the power of the Red Dragon,Shana had the power of the Light Dragon,Leavit had the power of the Green Dragon,Meru had the power of the Blue Dragon,Rose had the power of the Dark Dragon, Kongol had the power of the Golden Dragon,Haschel had the power of the Purple.And there was a bad Dragon name Luis he had the power of the Pink Dragon and because he was a bad Dragon he was send away and Luis had a army of monsters. One day they gad in a war and in that war they kill Shana,Rose, Kongol, Haschel,Meru,Leavits and. Dart fight Luis and Dart kill Luis and he kill himself. Do you think Dart did the right thing?
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