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I would be interested in Drama because it is a way of expressing yourself. I think it would be challenging but fun. I'm not a big fan of Hollywood movies so I think I would like to do independent films or theatre. My favorite play of all time is Hamlet and my fantasy role would be Hamlet himself or Horatio. I think it would also be fun to play Katharina from The Taming of the Shrew. I would have a hard time remembering all of those lines though. It most certainly takes a gifted person to be able to do that and say the lines as if it is the first time they're being said. How did you feel when you heard from people how much they enjoyed your performance? What do you think your fantasy role would be?

Bronwyn G

Like Robin, I love Shakespeare. My fantasy role would be Lady Macbeth or Katherine from the Taming of the Shrew. There are lots of great female parts in Shakespeare.

I also like Oscar Wilde, so my favourite play would be The Importance of Being Earnest. And I like Brian Friel, and I would like to play Lily because she is such a good, well-rounded woman, literally and figuratively.


I felt great when people came up to me and said good things about my play. I wish everybody in the whole world could have seen it.
My fantasy role model is Albert Einstein because he got made fun of when he was younger about not being smart, just like I get made fun of. I might just be the next genius though!


im only in the 4th grade and i am doing the play tall tall tales and heros.i play the part as calamity jane


Hey that is really awesome. When I was in 4th grade we did this play also. It was alot of fun.

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