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Bronwyn G

Good luck with your play, Zachary!

It's been really great to see your confidence increasing as you have been working through Weblogs.

When I was an actress I had virtually no memory for lines and had to work through other cues.

How do you think the Traits of Writing have shone through your play? Because I think you have to adapt the traits to various forms of writing. The Traits you use in a story might be different to those in a play, and again from those in a newspaper article.

I like your self-evaluation and it's great to see how your writing has improved. And I would rather say "Show how well you can write" rather than "Show how good you can write".

Your writing is always alive and I look forward to seeing its growth and evolution over the coming months and years.

I hope you did well in the test. I always miss you all when you are not blogging!

Mrs. Meeler

Zachary - you did an awesome job explaining the six traits of writing! I agree that your writing has greatly improved and I know it has a lot to do with how you use the 6 traits in your writing now!


I liked this post very much, Zach. Your writing has improved very much over the year and I know you enjoy writing so much more now as a result. That's great. You have really inspired me to work more on my writing. I hope all of the kid's can continue writing throughout middle and high school. You all have a lot to say and I'll look forward to hearing more from all of you. Great job on your play! You definately have a talent for acting. I think everyone enjoyed seeing that side of you. Keep up the good work. We're all so proud of you. LYA.

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