Have you ever forgotten anything important? Once at Georgia State University’s Technology Night I forgot something. It was my webloging folder. I freaked out; I thought I wasn’t going to be able to do my best. I said “Awww…man! Now I can’t type my weblog.” But my mom said “It’s okay. The words will come.” That’s exactly what happened too. De’ ja vu!
But I did better anyway. Well at first it was hard to type from scratch but after a little while I started typing like a mad writer, I typed so much my brain couldn’t keep track. I was really going at it; good grief!
Pretty soon I had finished my weblog and I was ready to go. But I got more experience on writing by scratch and I am good at it now!
I am glad that I forgot the folder now! The lessons I learned are making sure that I double check for my things and don’t depend on my parents and to stay calm and things will turn out okay.
The blogs were Backbreaking Backpack Blues and Resolutions in Writing. Well, I’m closing now but I’ll make an even better post next time!
Have you ever forgotten something important?
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