I am fun and nice
I wonder about my parents
I hear a bird talking
I see a horse flying up to the sky
I want good grades
I am fun and nice
I pretend I am a Angel
I feel rough sand
I touch a beautiful sea shell
I worry about my cousin
I cry for my grandma that died
I am fun and nice
I understand my friends
I say my mom is nice
I dream I could meet a famous person
I try to get good grades
I hope that I could pass grade
I am fun and nice.
Hi Jennifer,
Sorry it took so long to reply, I haven't been on here lately. You really surprised me, though. I didn't think you were one of the 5th graders! Your grammar and choice of words had me confused. I am very impressed. I really like your "I Am" poem; although you are a few years younger, we have a lot in common. I'm sorry about your grandmother, I recently lost mine too. Also, don't be discouraged about your grades, just make sure you try your hardest! What grades are you struggling with?
To answer your question, I do try to be "green" about some things. I'm not much of a gardener, though, so the organic garden isn't really for me.
Posted by: Cameron | November 13, 2007 at 06:16 AM