Ounce there was an ordinary girl Once& her name was Jessica . Everyone was normal except her family . Both her brother & sister were brats and her parents ........uh........were just uncool.
One day she went to the library & found a book about a kid going to a jungle .She look through the book to make sure she wants to check it out. Finally she deiced to check it out.When she got home she started to read the story. It was getting late so she deiced to go to sleep.It was 12:00 p.m.& geuss what ....A JUNGLE STARTED TO COME OUT OF THE BOOK !!!!!!! "Ahhhhhhhh!" she scram. She hurried to the phone to call her friend& her friend said she would be come over.
By the time her friend got there it was breakfast time. When her friend got there & saw Jessica's room she scram. She did not know what to do . After awhile Jessica said they should go to the library. When they got there they ran to the librian the librarian said to put the jungle in the book they ran to the library to return it.
After that the librarian tore up the book and no one checked it out ever again.