This is story that was on CNN news and it was a great story .The baby squirrels did not have a mom and the dog found them.The owner thought she would eat them instead she wanted to care for them.There is a dog that is taking care of babies squirrel . Also it think it's her babies .She even want to feed the babies with her milk.I hope she will take good care of them.Well need to go.Bye!!!
HI" ERICA your post is sweet and funny I think your post is the sweet funny post ever. I Would see you soon. BY
Posted by: Joe | October 09, 2007 at 09:15 AM
Wow a dog that is taking care of squrril babies! well i guess it could happen, once in a book i read there was a snake and his onwer gave him a hamster to eat, but he didn't eat him they became friends and now they live in the same cage! and it is from balletgirl
Posted by: balletgirl | November 01, 2007 at 06:11 AM