Dear Cristobal , 10 26 -1856 Do you Know what is the Underground Railroad? Well I know it's a place where Slaves escape. I ran away so I could be free and so I won't get punished. I went to Mexico so it tuck a long time. Here are some tips; Travel only at night and stay in houses that only have a quilt that has black on it. A man on a boat he helped us on the way and a woman named Harriet Tubman helped us on the way too.I felt happy and sad because I was free and pour people are still over there. Then,I will go to school.
your friend,
Hi Mauricio - I really enjoyed reading your letter. But is was kind of hard to read because the green doesn't show up well against the gray background. Maybe you should leave you font color alone and let it be the default color so we can read your posts easier.
Posted by: Mrs. Meeler | November 09, 2007 at 05:42 AM