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August 30, 2007



Hey Alejandra YOu had a few spelling errors you misspelled the woed weblogs you put weblogin,but the rest was good.YOu had colorful laungage and I really like that.


I like your post to Alejandra i can,t wait to see your next post.


Hey Alejandra, I'm Leandra and I go to a high school somewhere around here. First off, I just thought you should know that this is called WEB BLOGGING, not WEB LOGIN. I really enjoyed reading your blogs. You don't really seem like an 11 year old. You're much cooler. So how do you like your school so far?


Hi, Alejandra I really would like to know more about you I reallized i left out an "I". Thanks for telling me I forgot 1 word.


I love pizza to Alejandra I'm 11 years old to.sometimes I'm helpful to.

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