Dear Sixth Grade,
Now that I will be going to your grade now i'm excited , but also a little nervous. First of all I have new teachers, a new schedule, and plus I have to make new friends. There's a lot of new things that will be happening.
Since I'll have new teacherts that means I have to get on their good side. Get to no what kind of teacher they are and how they want things to be done. I also have to make sure i know what makes them happy. and angry. I really hope that my teachers are nicce and won't get angry at me even if i breathe to loud. You may say that's not possible but it could happen.
Having a new schedule is pretty difficult. I have to figure out where all my classes are. That's a lot of work. Everyday until the end of the school year I have to know where science or spanish,or english class is every week day unless we get a break. But the good thing is eventually I will memorize my whole schedule and know where all my teachers are.
Now I have to make new friends even though I love hanging out with ones I have now. But it's also good to meet new people. I'm really not sure what should do to make it easier for me to make new friends and hang out with people more often. People proabably already have all of their good friends . But I think I'll get through I just can't be shy and start talking to more people when I get to sixth grade.