May 2008

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May 02, 2008


Mrs. Davis

Chloe, I think you are wise beyond your years. I love how you explained what a motivation is. This poster did indeed inspire me. The picture is perfect.

You are a good blogger. I enjoy reading your blog posts. What is the thing you like most about blogging?

Mrs. Meeler

Hi Chloe - Mrs. Davis is exactly right, you are wise beyond your years! I really love your motivational poster, and it is absolutely true! Keep up the good work!


I love and adore myself and others. I care and love themof the bottom of my heart.

Alejandra C.

Hey chloe,
I loved your motivator. have you ever try ed to look at other people's motivations? If you haven't than why don't you look at mine. try to look at mine and comment on it.


Hey ChloeI loved your motivator.

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