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« Guess My Area | Main | Thurgood Marshall »

February 14, 2008



Hey wat up. This was one of the best poems that I read. By the way thanks for going on my blog. I am glad that you can relate to this post, and I think that maybe they really hurt my "friend", but I also think that who ever hurt him didn't mean too.What do you think?


Hey Chloe,
I like this poem it is a rhyming poem. I really like the line that said "as long as you'll be happy" " I will be happy to" oh yeah and by the way you mispelled a word it is too not to. so I hope you have a great year


that is so buteful

Shox OZ

Happiness is intrinsic, it's an internal thing


awesome peoms people


Ever Sick Your My Cousin!!!!Just Kidding

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