On my journey on the Underground Railroad was not so good it got cloud and it rain a lot .Some time we would have to sleep with one eyes open.Jason had a big dog so that massed me feel a lot better then be for. But we ad to make sure that he did not bark a lot.I was going to new york.
I just want to thank all of my fans you guys are the BEST I love you. I am thank you guys because you gave me good comments like this one your in 5th grade wow dude your blog thing is the best out of all of them I'm in 7th grade.
This post is about figurative language. Have you ever use hyperbole ? Like don't let your eyes be bigger then your stomach. This is a hyperbole because some time when you go to a all you can eat restaurant you get a lot of food. That mean that you thought you where hunger but when you went to get you food you only ate a little bit .That mean that your eyes where bigger then your stomach.
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