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Main | Dear Mrs. Parks »

September 04, 2007



Blaid, for some reason, I couldn't see you post about Montana. Maybe you can repost it. Have a good day!

Mrs. Meeler

Blaid - see me in the next blog class so I can help you correct this post.


i love you


duide have I gone blaind or has your page gone out of color (style)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ed Roberts

Dear Blaid, I am Ms. Emmert's Dad. I like your bolg. Maybe Ms. Emmert will invite me to come to your school to visit sometime. I probably will not come for lunch after your told me how bad it is. See if she will let me bring us Pizza.


Wow, your blog is probably one of the best I have looked at. Contrasting the colors you used makes it stand out among the best. I can skate, bike, snowboard, skateboard, and ice skate. It's really cool that someone else can enjoy living life in the fast lane.

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