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Class Blog

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February 13, 2008



Hey Chelsea,

Feburary 14th it's really exciting when the day comes. I've written a poem to the person I have special feelings for. It's always good to express it by writing a poem. Or someone might even give you a card saying that they love you or something. Valentine's Day, filled with love, care, and Feelings.

William From Shanghai American School

P.S. Check out my blog too:

Mrs. Bundschu

Hi Chelsea, I really enjoyed reading your Valentine Blog. Your poem is one of my favorites! You really should continue writing poems, you never know you could have your own card business someday!


YES I DOES MAKE MY HEART BEAT it makes me think of someone SPECIEL!! (: i enjoy reading your posts!! i just feel so happy!!

lakeidrea pinkney

chelsea I love your blog it`s so pretty amd your post did make my heart beat I loved your pome so much that your is better than mine.well write you back and make sure you come visit my blogs!!!!!


Your writing made me form an opion about enthuiasiumed writing. Also I love your creative thiking and your creative writing.
P.S what was with that it was not for a certain someone

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