The six traits of writing are types of sentences. First I’m going to tell you about Simulating Ideas. Simulating Ideas is looking over your whole paper and seeing what you need to take out of your paper and what you need keep in your paper. The next thing I’m going to tell you about is Logical Organization. Logical Organization is looking at your sentences and seeing if you put your sentences in place if you did, then you go to your next subject which is personal voice. Personal Voice is when you check you paper for descriptive words. Also I’m going to tell you about three more traits of writing and one of them is smooth sentences. Smooth sentences is explaining that the sentences are perfect and there aren’t any words misspelled. The next trait I’m going to tell you about is correct accurate copy. Accurate Copy is about copying the paper you wrote perfectly such as good handwriting, good word choice, and good smoothness in the sentence.
That was a great blog. Please comment on my blog.
Posted by: Tyler | September 06, 2007 at 08:35 AM
I'm Tina & i am 15 years. For a fith grader, you are pertty smart.You are absolutly correct about writing.I simply love writing and that was a great way to discribe it.You seem like an awsome kid.But when you're wrtiting try not to repeat the same words at the begining of a sentence.BE COOL' STAY IN SCHOOL
Posted by: TIna | September 07, 2007 at 05:52 AM
Tyler, you might want to make the font size smaller when you type. That way your posts are not so long, the readers won't have to keep scrolling down to read. Does that make sense?
You are a very good writer., Keep it up!
Posted by: Cole | September 08, 2007 at 04:28 AM