Here comes Dashawn
Hi my name is Dashawn and I am 10 years old. My favorite sport is volleyball. My favorite food is shrimp pizza and macaroni. I have 2 brothers and no sisters .my favorite movie is Daddy’s little grill. I’m very happy that I get to be a blogger this year so please commit me
I am poem
I am smart and nice
I wonder about my old dog
I hear my name begin called
I see the land of Harry Potter
I want a little sisters
I am smart and nice
I pretend I am a bird
I feel a ghost body
I touch the sky
I worry about my friends
I cry for my mom and dad
I am smart and kind
I understand my mom feelings
I say I will love
I dream of my old dog
I try to past my test
I hope to have successes
Dashawn -
I'm so excited about getting to know you through your weblog this year! Remember to use correct punctuation in your posts. At first I thought that shrimp pizza is your favorite food! Remember to add commas, periods, and correct capitalization. Happy Blogging!
Posted by: Mrs. Meeler | September 14, 2007 at 07:49 AM