This post is about figurative language. Have you ever heard someone use figurative language? I have and at first i thought it was weird.Then I learned thaat it was just a more intresting way to speak. The first thing that I learned about figurative language is a Metaphor. A Metaphor is just comparing two things, but you use the same kind of an object. For example, His shirt is as dirty as a pig rolling around in the mud. That is how tou would use a Metaphor in a sentence. If you want to use it in place of another person place or thing, then you would say The comforting bed instead of saying The soft bed. If i din't give you enoguh information on Metaphor's then just click on my link above and that will take you there.
Have you ever used a Hyperbloe before? It is so fun to use. You usally use it when you want to exagerate something with humor. Ex. A blood red nail polish. That is a big exageration because usally nail polish isn't that red. If you want to use a person as a exageration then you would say it like this- She is as tall as a volcano. You would want to always use it in a nice way thoe so you don't hurt anyone's feelings. that would be as bad as a dog and a cat fighting. See I just used it again. Need more in formation then just click on the figuritive language link above.
Posted by: LAKEITHEAPINKNEY | October 17, 2007 at 04:56 PM