Today is analogies and how we use it most of the time for example clouds is to sky as grass is to ground. Most of the time you figure the clue and how its similar to one another. Analogies are easy and fun because the similar it between each other. Sometimes annoglies can exercise your mind. Screen is to computer as to presided is to?????
Good job with your part to whole analogy. It was one of the few that was actually correct and understandable. Try to make more complex and exciting analogies next time!
Try my analogy. It relates to what we've learned in biology this year.
Posted by: Laura | January 22, 2008 at 06:17 AM
i like your is kind of challengind but not really. Maybe for a little kid though. Well,bye.
Posted by: chloe | February 07, 2008 at 09:13 AM