I was on my way home when i saw this nagoocyhouse.This buttonpopper was the man who owned it.He was in the NFL.What are you a linemen.He invited me inside he had so much naruto stuff.What are you a narutard.We walked back outside a girl was walking down the street she asked us if we wanted to play bootball We said naw.I left the buttonpoppers house.When I got home my dad was sleep my mom was cooking.I went back outside a juvenile deliquent was runnig down the street iran the otherway.The cops were after him>iaw my cuz walking down the street.He took off running I took off runnning after him he still owe me some money from last week.I caught him and took my money and a little extra and ran home.I hoped in the shower counted the money i madeand went to sleep.This was the crazyest Friday ever!