I am funny and shy
I wonder who will be on earth in the future
I hear a clock’s tick
I see an angel in heaven
I want a sister
I pretend I live in a castle
I feel the wind’s breeze
I touch a pink blooming rose
I worry about people who do drugs
I cry when I’m really sick
I am funny and shy
I understand friendship
I say people should believe in themselves
I dream for a good future
I try to do well in school
I hope for a healthy life
I am funny and shy
Hiya, My name is Yani and I go to a nearby Georgia high school. I really like your poem. It kind of reminds me of me, except that i have two sisters(one's my twin). It was a little hard to read, maybe next time you could use a different font.
Posted by: Yani | September 07, 2007 at 05:54 AM