My name is Rocio and I think roses are beautiful because when you smell them they smell so pretty that I feel like eating it.I also think that every bee likes to get on top of the roses .Roses can be different colors for example red,white,yellow, and pink and also red I love roses when I was in Mexico I had a garden with lots of roses on the trees some were white,pink,and red and every time I go outside and watered the flowers and when I went to church they are alot of different kind of flowers they have and we could pick them out and the ones that I always picked out were roses and take them inside the Church and at last you put them on a cup and lay them right beside the table and when they get ugly they throw them away so they won`t smell that bad inside the church and the next time you go you get more flowers to put on the cup but then beside the table you could put them in the place that you want I love Mexico! And I wish one day you get to go to Mexico.I picked Rocio`s roses with flying bees because I love how roses smell and how pretty they are.
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