If I Were The
If I were the principal I would plan a skate night on every other Friday. If someone is being bad on the bus or in class I would be mad and give you a one day suspension. This school will not be schools were there is no learning because when you are sitting down in front of the CRCT you not to know what it the test is talking about. It is going to be like a Spanish person talking to a English person.I would tell the lunch ladies to give free ice cream to the students who have been good.
In the morning we will say the Pledge of Allegiance and make announcements over the intercom
Hey, I think that it is wonderful that you would still have students learn. That is the most important part of going to school. I do have a question though what are CRCT's? I love skating but which type of skating do you mean with rollerblades or ice skates? I love both but I've never learned how to stop. (which is unusual for where I'm from) I think it is a wonderful idea to have a skating night every other friday.
Posted by: Amber Merritt | November 27, 2008 at 05:16 PM
The most important thing of going to school is you learn thing did not know or think you would.thanks for liking my ideas
Posted by: kentashia | December 16, 2008 at 04:58 AM