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January 20, 2009


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Hi Ty,

I really like when you said "your hands know" and "get lost in my art".

Kind of like how I get lost in the grass!!!

Can you post some of your artwork so I can see?



Hello Tyler,
I love your post, its great that you have something you love so much that brings joy into your life. Keep up the great blgging.
comment soon.


Hello Ty. Thanks for the commet!! !! !! !!


I can see how you can get lost in the grass. In fact what do you mean by that? Do you mean actually "lost" in the grass or Your mind is "lost" in in the grass. (like mine in my artwork)It is weird but true. My mind doesn't know (because I'm always in a blank) but my hands start even if i don't want them to. I hate when that happens but it just does. Thanks, and I'm so sorry it took so long.

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