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October 21, 2008


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Courtney Blackstock U of R Students from Ecomp 355 class

That was awesome! Made me laugh a few times! So good, keep up the great posts!


I am a 5th grader in china. Dont worry I am american! Anyway I would really like u to come and read my blog. so i will give u my blog adress: blogs.saschina.org/hannah01pd2016
Plese come to my blog!

Kristine Kostyniuk

Dear Tyler:
This book sounds kinda scary. I would never want to get into a situation like that. Why would you choose to wish to be a millionaire? Do you really think this would make you happy? Obviously you realize a wish like this would end up badly. I can say that I love myself for who I am. I would not wish for anything, because I know in the end it would be the better thing to do.

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