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October 27, 2008


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Hi Daniel,
My name is Dylan and I am living in Shanghai at the moment. I have a blog to like you and I hope you will come to my blog at http://blogs.saschina.org/dylan01pd2016/

Kristine Kostyniuk

Comments are supposed to help the blogger or give them insight to another view. There is also times when people will tell you that you should word something different, or you need to make a few changes. You should not see this as a negative comment, but as helpful criticism. Some people find it hard to accept helpful criticism, but this criticism will usually help you in the end.


While you are in China I am in Geogia.So Dylan what is your favorite vidio game? Mine is'star wars battle front 2'. I also have a favorite sport. It is karate. What is your favorite sport. I hope to comment back to you.

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