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January 06, 2009


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hey destiny

I hope you have been studying.
have you really studied your math facts every day


I really think that you did a great blog typing and I really incorage you and admire you because i think that it is very buatiful and pashionate. I really love bloging also because because it is good to type and it lets your friends know things about you so i wanted to ask you a question like a little enterview like when you blog Why do you like to blog? and one last question How does bloging help you in your everyday life.


Hi Destiny, I like your resolution it's relly simple and easy. When you learn them can you teach me?


that will be a good way to learn your math facts.do not tell your mom no.


Hi Destiny,

How are you coming with your New Year's resolution? I'm having trouble keeping mine.


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