In class we where reading The wish giver and this man gave 4 cards to 4 people. The cards had a red spot on it. Ever time one of the 4 people made a wish it wrong. Like Polly she wished for everyone to notice her & they did because ever time she went to say something mean shed crock.
If I had a wish giver.
I would wish for everone to stay clean. One day I was walking everone was staing clean but they where staing clean by a wash cloth. They where wasing other people to. I was so sacared. I was the only one that did not get touch by someone else. When I got home I whent to get clean. When I got out I wonted to get back in. I loved to be clean.
wright back
That's cute! I think that you need to check your spelling before you post though, try using the word document on the computer, that might help you, and don't worry spelling isn't a big deal. I'm just giving you a little tip.
Posted by: Courtney Blackstock U of R Students from Ecomp 355 class | October 21, 2008 at 08:16 AM