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September 23, 2008


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Orissa DePass-ElAntouri

I loved the poem! You are a good writer. I hope you will always be "Sweet and Kind"

Ms. Roper

I enjoyed reading your "All About Me" poem. I can tell that in addition to be sweet and kind that you are a caring person.
Keep blogging Destiny. You're off to a great start!


Did you know that I loved your blog post and I bet that alot of people loved it to if I could type more I would but I have to go back to my class love blogging with you to so talk to you later


I really liked your poem. It told me alot about your feelings and that you are a sensitive and caring young lady. Keep up the writing, and someday you might write a book, just like your Oma did. Your writing has alot of feelings in it. That's what good writers do. They put their feelings on paper. See you soon.

Ms. Meyers

What a nice poem! That was really beautiful.


Hi oma I really like your comment. Think you for the comment I love you to I think I might write a book like you did I have started writing a book ared. So pleas comment back.


That is a very beautiful poem Destiny. The imagery you gave was wonderful. I felt like I was there in the poem. Good job!

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