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March 26, 2009


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Hi Graciela,

I love you too!!!

Thank you for saying such nice things about me.

Mom is making sure the red bird has food and now that she has put soap on the window, he sings from the bush near the window.

It would be great fun to visit your class but there is a problem!! Do you know where I live?? This map shows how many miles we are from each other: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Chardon,+OH&daddr=Atlanta,+GA&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&sll=39.368279,-83.210449&sspn=10.067638,23.291016&ie=UTF8&ll=37.666429,-83.210449&spn=10.30728,23.291016&z=6

You asked me about a tree's favorite drink, hmm. Is this a trick question? Is the answer water??



Hi Graciela,

That joke is tooooo funny!!! I like it!

Did you click on the link to see how many miles we live apart? It's over 700 miles from my house to Atlanta. My mom says that is too far to come for a visit.



Hi Graciela,

The map says that we live more than 700 miles from each other. The line shows how my mom could drive to get to Atlanta. I fell getting out of the car last week and I'm not allowed in the car until I get better (my doctor said) so I can't get to see you!

Are you on Spring break? How are you enjoying your time?


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