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November 18, 2008


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Courtney Blackstock U of R Students from Ecomp 355 class


I love your post! You have great ideas! I think it would be fun to take the perfect attendance kids to chuck e cheeses too, but it’s really expensive, and I know this cause we have one where I live and I used to work there! It was a fun place to work, got to play games on our lunch breaks and stuff like that. So far you are the only one in your class who mentioned actually learning something, and I really like that because it’s very important for you as principal to make sure the students are learning their core subjects. Great post keep them coming!

Amber Merritt

Hey, Graciela. What a wonderful post. I love that you talked about which subjects the student's would learn. I like that you would have a party for the people with perfect attendance. Would you pick them by who had perfect attendance before you got to be principal. What about kids who really were sick? Would they have to miss out on the party? you wrote a really good post with lots of neat details.

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