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October 16, 2008


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Ms. Meyers

Beautiful colors! I like the honesty in your poem. It is a great poem. I am shy sometimes, too. I am also a very nervous person! I totally understand what you mean!


I like how you used color as well as words in your poem. My favorite line in your poem is, "I hear horses walk". As soon as I read it I could hear them to. Do you enjoy writing poetry?


That is a very pretty poem. You chose a nice variety of colors to put on the text. That is very nice of you to think about others and that you hope they are happy. Do you like horses?


Hi Graciela,

I think my favorite part of your poem is when you say "I say people are our future."

With your flair for design and color, I'm wondering if you see yourself designing clothes or home decor in your future?



yes i do enjoy writing poetry it is alot of fun.so how is your day as a parent.how many years have you been maried. i wanted to know what your childrens names are. well byee.thank you

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