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October 14, 2008


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Megan Peterson

Hey Ivan. I think that it is fabulous that you went fishing this weekend. I have only been fishing once and I caught a boot :( Maybe if you have time you could give me some pointers on how not to catch a boot next time. I like how relaxing fishing is, yet exciting at the very same time. Thank you for commenting about Millie on my blog. She is really little. My fiance and I get to pick her up at the airport tomorrow and we are soooo excited. I hope that she can do tricks, but she is only 6 weeks old so she might be a little shy at first :) What kind of dog do you have ? Can he or she do any cool tricks ?


Dear Megan,
My dog is a German Shepard I'm trying to teach him tricks, but he won't listen to me. Do you take your puppy to the park? From Ivan,

Ms. Meyers

I'm assuming you and Filemon went to the same wedding, right? That really sounds fun!


Do you go fishing often. I love fishing. It sounds like you had a lot of fun with your family over fall break. Why did the babysitter eat your slice of cake?


Ivan do you even like cake, I do like cake I think that it is very good. Was the wedding fun or was it borihg? My dad and my mom got married all ready their wedding was very fun.


I can't relate to this because I have NOT gone to any cool weddings but it sounded so awesone. I' m sorry you didn't catch a bass but at least you got to go fishing. I didn't do anything cool. How was EVERYTHING?


Did you have a fun time at your dad's friend's wedding. I bet you did. I went to a party at Romp'N Roll once. Your post is great. Keep up the good work.


Christopher, I think it's very awesome you commented me. I had fun because I bought a Joy Buzzer and shocked my little brother. It was cool because there were video games. I also bought ice: it was Blue Berry flavor. Was the wedding you went to fun?


Dear Hector,
I love cake it's very good. It's just that my sister almost ate it all. So I didn't get very much.

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