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December 16, 2008


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Rene Gaudreau

Very nice thoughts on your blog Rina. I agree with you. School should be an exciting place where kids love to learn. There has to be a balance between FUN and LEARNING. That`s what I try to do as the Principal of my school.

Rene Gaudreau
Don-Bosco catholic school
Timmins, Ontario, CANADA

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We can have a voting booth and we can vote on things like student body president, class mayor, secretary, treasurer, and maybe even assistants for all of them. School should be a fun,exciting, can't wait to get there kind of place.

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It has always seen that when people get chance to become they always take advantage of this position as it was said above that he will give more vacation time i think priority should be to improve things rather than taking advantage of it.

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Good points. I would do the same if I were the principal. Living in Southern CA really keeps this in mind.

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