Before Christmas, a high school student decided to go on a very dangerous adventure without telling anyone he was going. He wanted to go to Iraq and see what it was like there so he flew there alone. Perhaps he thought he was being courageous. He apparently is a very intelligent young man, but I don't think he thought through the ramifications of his actions. Any number of things could have happened to him including losing his life. His mother was worried sick because she knew that what he had done was very unsafe. His absences from school were not excused so his work in class suffered as well as his grades. What do you think? Did this young man behave responsibly or were his actions somewhat foolhardy?
I have mixed feelings about what he did ,but I really think that he should have stayed home where it is safe.Well, I have to go. Bye
Posted by: kristeen | January 10, 2006 at 09:58 AM
Well I suppose he did not think straight but then I love adventure to who doesn't?
Posted by: becky | February 13, 2006 at 10:59 AM