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i had to wait until my birthay


I thing that the lie WAS better than puting a bomb to the subway
in New york.


I know I saw the subway threat to some people were saying that they were still going to ride the subway anyway. They said that the threat was not going to stop them.


I don't think that I'm a very trust worthy person but I try.


I like MRS.Hoopper becaus is so good in the school and I like her here and is My favorit principal and is like the Moon and is like My sister but then eyes is like blue and is so good BY MRS.HOPPER FROM.ADRIANA CASTILLO TO MRS HOPPER


Little white lies are just terrible then you just sit there and watch it. I personally agree. It was terrible for someone to say I have a bomb, then it is just a joke. Well that was an informative.


I am very happy it was just a lie, or many people would have died. If that person were one of my friends I would have told them not to do that. It would be terrible to have a real bomb in the subway. I hope it won't happen again.


I also think that you are right about people do have to lie and that a little lie can get biger and biger.


White lies are very dangerous to harming the subway trails. The peaple who do that I think they need to be punished.

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