I Really liked this weblog by Roisin her post is called Mysterious Animal Spotted. Roissin's post is about the WWF finding a new speices animal. She said in her post "They think it is a mix of a fox and a cat." This is Roisin's post:
The WWF found a new animal. They think it is a mix of a fox and a cat.
I think that it is really cool that they found new species because it is rare to find unknown animals because that isn’t something you usually find.
What do you think about what I just posted ?
Marisela, the post you just posted was very intesting, although there wasn't really that much information. Do you think someday there wull be new discoveries?
Posted by: graciela | January 05, 2006 at 02:36 PM
I had to laugh when I read this post because when I saw WWF I first thought you meant the Word Wrestling Federation (or is it Foundation?) instead of World Wildlife Fund. I agree that it is rare to find a new species, but I suspect it is even MORE rare for them to be discovered by the Wrestling Federation.
Keep blogging-- your blog is interesting to read.
Posted by: Ms. Susan | January 05, 2006 at 08:25 PM
You did a great job making a connection between what you read and what you were thinking. Graciela gave you a great tip to give more information. Did you visit the link to the article? Maybe next time you can read the article for yourself and give us more information. Also, be sure to explain acronyms (WWF = World Wildlife Fund) so you don't confuse your readers.
Keep up the good work!
Posted by: Mrs. Meeler | January 06, 2006 at 07:23 AM
I don't really know if there will be any new discoveries.
Posted by: Marisela | January 12, 2006 at 05:35 AM