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Mrs. Meeler

I'm not sure what exactly I would do if I found myself in a similar situation. I know my first instinct would be to gather and protect my family. Do you know what caused those massive mudslides? What kind of rescue efforts are in place to help the people who are buried and/or homeless?


Marisela, I was reading you blog and thought about how devastating it is in Guatemala.I could not imagine what it would be like to live there during the hurricane and the mudslides. It must be truly awful. I would hate to know what would happen to me if I was there. Thank god that we live in a safer place then the people in Guatemala do. Hopefully the people in Guatemala find their families and get to safety. It's hard to imagine that something that horrible could happen to thousands of innocent people. I guess it teaches me a lesson on being thankful that I live in a safe place and that my family is always with me. What do you think?

Mr. Brune

Some of my studetns also read this article and two of my studetns then told us about relatives they have in Guatamala that lived through this storm! And they hadn't said a thing to us before that! Anyway, their relatives were lucky; they lived but their houses were flooded. I enjoyed reading your writing!


This is so tragic! It seems like we have had a number of tragedies lately. Too many! We have to keep working to help those in need and encourage our leaders to make relief a top priority for those in need.

I can tell you are a caring person from your writing. I think most people want to help, they just are not sure what is the best way to do that. What do you think is the most important way the U.S. could help?

Mrs. Davis


I feel sad for those people too. I know some people in my class have reltives there.

Chloe from Mr.Brune's class


Thank's for the comment I like your Guatemala pice are you from Guatemala. I'm not but my famliy is.


OMG (oh my gosh ) everyone is like from guatamalla I know tons of people from there and they are realy nice why don't you vist it somtime


OMG (oh my gosh ) everyone is like from guatamalla I know tons of people from there and they are realy nice why don't you vist it somtime

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