If you were one of the people looked at my first post " Reasons To look at My Weblog". You may have noticed that the post wasn't that good so now I'm going to better than ever. So I hope you think that it improved.
"Hello fellow reader my name is Jose-Juan Trujillo and this my fifth grade weblog. I have many and reasonable reasons why you should go to my blog. Lets start out with reason #1. You should look at my weblog because I will use some normal words for example, just, like and those kind of words so that you'll understand what I'm saying.Reason #2, I'll use some advanced grammar so you will learn new vocabulary and news at the same time. Reason #3, I'll think about my opinion before I'll put them on my weblog so that I have what I was trying to say. Reason #4, I'll use popper grammar. Last reason #5, I'll use not only my opinion but others as well as others. So now do think this is a better blog to get reader to look at my blog?
P.S. I forgot to tell you my favorite color is red, favorite book is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, favorite show Mythbusters, and favorite sport is soccer.
Not really.
There are still grammatical errors, which is a bit hypocritical in a post talking about proper grammar!
Posted by: Bronwyn G | March 07, 2006 at 05:09 PM
I agree that Jose Juan, and all the others for that matter, should do a better job of proofing their work for grammatical errors. I ask them all the time, "Why don't you proof your work?"
However, I must compliment Jose Juan on his efforts. Because he now goes to Program Challenge on Thursdays, he is not able to meet with our group. But instead of quitting his blog all together, he works on his post in his free time at school and does more for homework. He isn't in class with us as we peer edit and work for 2 hours on composing posts. So, I must compliment him on his effort and for continuing to blog.
Posted by: Mrs. Meeler | March 09, 2006 at 06:14 AM
Jose Juan:
I like the extra details you added to your post. Were you in a hurry to publish it? I think you should go in typepad and correct your grammatical errors. Remember to proof your work before posting.
And keep blogging!!!
Posted by: Mrs. Meeler | March 09, 2006 at 06:15 AM
Ms Meeler,
Thank you for reminding me of Jose-Juan's efforts.
Well done for continuing the blog for homework. I liked the extra details too.
Posted by: Bronwyn G | March 09, 2006 at 10:05 AM
It sounds like you are very willing to go the extra mile in your work. That is commendable. I am not surprised though. I knew, from the first day I met you, that you try to do your best! You speak one language at school and another at home, right? We had talked about that one time and I hope you will find time to blog about what is easy and hard in that process. It will help us teachers and we would welcome any suggestions you have. How are you liking Program Challenge?
I believe your writing has come a long way since the beginning of the year. Keep on persevering! I am proud of you!
Mrs. Davis
Posted by: Anne Davis | March 16, 2006 at 09:25 AM