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Bronwyn G

I would feel pretty ... well. .. challenged, from the description that you gave me Jose-Juan.

Nice to know that was the explanation for you not blogging and not something awful like illness or injury.

I like the description of your classes and your teacher. Glad you enjoy it so much - apart from the test at the start of the Semester.

What is Snap, Crackle, Pop all about?

Mrs. Meeler

It was great to have you back with us for a while this week Jose-Juan. We miss you so much on Thursdays. But we know Challenge is an awesome opportunity for you and we wish you the best.

I liked how you described your feelings about the first day. It reminded me of how nervous I was on my first day as the ITS at JHH.

Why do you think your teachers were giving you a pretest in all the classes on your first day?

Keep blogging about your classes at Challenge. It is very interesting.

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