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Ms. Roper

Impressive Jason! You’re educated guesses where very close.
To answer your first question, I became a P.E. teacher because of a class I took in college – “Elementary Educator Teaching Methods”. Part of the class required me to go to a local elementary school and teach short skills lessons. I loved it! Teaching P.E. combined two of my favorite things: being active and children. It was a perfect match.
The advantages of being a P.E. teacher are many, like getting exercise and being active. Also enjoy having the opportunity to work with all of the students and watching them grow up. They start out as tiny kindergarteners that are scared and sometimes crying the first week of school. Before I know it they are intelligent 5th graders not afraid to share their opinions and taller than me!
I’ve been teaching P.E. for nine years. Six of those years have been at JHH and I hope there are many more to come.
It is difficult to think of a disadvantage of teaching P.E. I guess I would have to say that I don’t get to see my students as often as I would like. The boys and girls of JHH not listening doesn’t happen enough to count as a disadvantage :-)


Well at least I wasn't off by to much!

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