We started off our day, in a fun little way. We made Wacky Tales, and here is mine, hoary!
The Best Town in the World
Weazer came to do a concert in Jasonville once, and the band liked it so much they never left. Now every Friday night, all the people who live in Jasonville put on their light, blue pants and walk their cats to the town square. Then they sit on the grass, listen to Weazer play rock music, and eat peanuts.
No one has to go to school in Jasonville unless they want to. Of course, everybody wants to because Britney Spears and Jim Carrey are two of the teachers. Britney Spears teaches Science and Jim Carrey teaches blogging.
One day Britney Spears said to Jim Carrey, “Maybe we should take the students on a field trip.”
“That's a enormous idea, Britney Spears,” said Jim Carrey. “Let's take them to the most fun place we can think of.”
“But that would be Jasonville,” said Britney Spears.
“You're right!” Jim Carrey exclaimed. “Call off the field trip! We're already here!”
So there it is, you like it yes? But one more thing I need to know, Why is it I can't stop rhyming? And what rhymes with orange?
You remind me of Dr. Suess with your catchy rhymes!
Posted by: Mrs. Meeler | March 03, 2006 at 08:07 AM
Nothing rhymes with orange, so I have learnt.
Posted by: Bronwyn G | March 04, 2006 at 01:34 AM
Tis true, tis true I have the rhyming flu. I can't stop rhyming,hoo hoo hoo!
Posted by: Jason | March 09, 2006 at 05:37 AM
The 'rhyming flu' certainly seems to have infected your latest blog compared to your first post. Why did you block comments - or doesn't the comment part work for this blog?
Posted by: Bronwyn G | March 09, 2006 at 10:21 AM
Hi Jason,
You are the rhyming man! I enjoy reading your rhymes. I have always enjoyed rhyming, too. There are some fun rhyme riddles at 'Giggle Poetry' at http://www.gigglepoetry.com/poetryfun/riddlerhymes.html
Ask Mrs. Meeler if you can check them out. If you do, which one was your favorite? Maybe you could create some of your own. I do love rhyming but I love having fun with 'idioms' the most so I am tickled pink that you get a kick out of rhyming!
Mrs. Davis
Posted by: Anne Davis | March 17, 2006 at 12:04 PM
u know what rymes with orange smornge
Posted by: adrian | December 02, 2008 at 09:47 PM
My town is better.
Posted by: celebrity tube | December 03, 2009 at 05:25 PM
And the world would all have sypyalis and or HIV with all the free love going around.
Get real ?
Posted by: generic viagra | March 30, 2010 at 01:29 PM
yep, guys aren't hot.
brit looks nice.
a bit overdone with her signature L tongue stuff.
overall pretty good.
bit boring ye.
i guess they just didnt want to get censored.
and funny how 'sin' got. c
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Posted by: gog | November 10, 2010 at 02:13 PM
This is an interesting article because I think everybody would want to get Birtney Spears as a teacher and also Jim Carrey in oredr to get fun during classes.
Posted by: Buy Generic Viagra | November 10, 2010 at 02:16 PM