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Bronwyn G


Yes, I do have a blog and yes, I do receive a diversity of comments.

No, I haven't been writing in my own blog. I've been writing more in other people's.

When you give a comment, very often you get a comment. How does that work for you, Jason? Rather a circular and self-serving reasoning, isn't it?

Glad you got so many great comments on Black is the New Grey. I will add mine: it was a well-written nature post. Enjoy!

Ms. Roper

Glad to see that you are blogging again. I've missed reading your post!

I do have a blog of my own & just like you I love reading comments. The feedback from readers proves that what you are saying is important - that people are listening. They might not agree with the position you present in your post, but as you said it helps you learn and provides you with an alternate perspective.


Yes,I love reading my comments! I never know what they are going to say

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