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If i woke up as a grownup I would be shocked. I probably would go the mall first. What would you do first?

Bronwyn G

I already am an adult, so I would probably wake up as a senior. I would do my gardening or perhaps play golf.

In your story situation I would probably prank my sister. Just kidding.

Intriguing premise. Enjoy your time as a grown-up!

Mrs. Meeler

In your story, you said you really liked being a grown-up. Why did you like it? What did you do as a grown up? The part you have written so far would make for a great introduction. Now I want you to work on adding more details (like answering the questions I asked you above). I can't wait to hear the rest...


I like that story. If I woke up a a grown women I will be scared and I will be unhappy.


Dear Brineisha,
Why would you be scared to be an adult?You get to do what ever you want without asking your parents.


Dear Bronwyn G,
You should prank your sister.


I wrote a story about that so you know what happen to me. I love your story and writing


Dear Derrick,
No!I don't know what happened to you.You tell me what happened to you?


You can just read my post it is very good.


Dear Person I never met before....Derrick,
I don't want to read your weblog I would be IMBRASS to read it.


Well if I woke up a grown up first I would not go to school. I would call every one in my phone book. Go find me a house, a job, and a boyfriend. Then I woud get my mom's money and go eat. Man that is the life.


Well I think first I owuld try driving. (I'd stink if i ever got behind a wheel) And well I'd probably be alittle sad because I wouldn't really be a kid anymore. So that's what I'd think I would do.


If I woke up and saw my self as a grown up I would be shocked. Oh and I really did like your post.It was great.


If I woke up and saw my self as a grown up I would be shocked. Oh and I really did like your post.It was great.

ahmed el azizy

i will scream and scream untill sombody help me .but something will be cool would drive hotwheels

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