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CONGRATULATION Mrs.Dugas for beingthe teacher of the year.Good for this year.Anyway CONGRATULATION!


I never met Ms. Dugus before but she seems like a nice teacher and she seems like a very talented.


I am happy for Ms.Duges she has all the luck!! I hope she can keep on being the best!!!!


I am happy that Ms.Dugas was voted
teacher of the year. She mas my kindergarden teacher and i congragulate her.


Congratulations! Mrs.dugas for being teacher of the year.You deserved it, have a wonderful year being the teacher of the year.

Paul Dugas

I'd like to extend my appreciation to all of you that voted for my wife Krista for Teacher of the Year. She has worked so hard for 7 years, putting all of her extra time, money, and passions into the school and those children. It's nice to know that all of that work does not go unrecognized.

And to my beautiful wife Krista...You are the Teacher of the Year to ME every year! I love you.


My sister is in that class she really likes it there.


Ms. Dugas was my kindergarten teacher 4 years ago. Iam so happy for her!

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