Today we are posting about how our years here at J.H.House have been to us. For me it has been wonderful! Every year here at J.H. House has been different. But each year is special because we’ll never know what knew surprises we’ll have to face. Also each teacher I’ve had is very special.
My teacher in Kindergarten was Miss Dineen. Kindergarten was a lot of fun. We did so many amazing activities. I loved how we went on field trips and we used to walk into the woods behind our school and look at many wonderful things. Kindergarten was a wonderful year, and I wish I could go back in time and repeat all the fun things I did in Kindergarten.
My teacher in 1st grade was ok. 1st grade was the year I finally started taking tests and getting grades.
2nd grade was also a lot of fun. My teacher Mrs. Gerlach did a lot of things teachers don’t normally do. She will always be important to me. Oh and 2nd grade is the year we get to learn how to write in cursive.
3rd grade was strange. Well, it was strange because we had to write in cursive! I don’t enjoy writing in cursive. At least I made more friends.
In 4th grade there were many sad moments. One of them was because our loving teacher Mrs. Barajas had to leave for “family” problems. The second reason was because a great friend of the girls, Jacqueline had to leave to another school. Once again I made many friends.
Ok now I will talk a lot about 5th grade. This year has been the best! It has been the most excellent because the 5th grade teachers have prepared us all year for The Last Day of School. The Last day of School is very special to me because it is the last day I will probably see J.H.House. I think I will see J.H.House again. I hope so. Well, I hope many 4th graders next year realize how important the 5th grade teachers are. I know that they are the most special 5th grade teachers in the world. That’s why I try very hard to come to school to and see what new activities our teachers have waiting for us. If I pass 5th grade, I’ll now I passed because of how wonderful our teachers here at J.H.House teach us.
Fourth Graders, I would like to give you some great advice on how to survive 5th grade.
Advice 1-On the 1st day of school don’t get worried if people make fun of you or say that they don’t want to be your friends. Because the best friend you can have is YOURSELF!
Advice 2-If you have problems with any subject, and then tell your teacher you don’t understand. Hopefully he/she will try very hard to find your weak areas in any subjects.
Advice 3-Like I said in Advice 1, don’t worry if people make fun of you. Well, if they keep on bothering you in any way that really disturbs you, then talk to a counselor.
Advice 4- If you can’t make any friends then you should ask a counselor if she/he can help you make friends.
Advice 5- REMEMBER that friends are not the only options to make your school year happy!
If you don’t like my advice, then send me a comment about what you are worried about when you get to 4th grade. Did this post make sense?
I loved your blog
Posted by: henry | October 09, 2007 at 06:52 PM
When i read your blog i think of my past of all 5th - kindergarden. I remeber things that even happened in preschool. Cool blog and have fun with geting older and nowing whats going to happen next.
Posted by: Sydney | February 08, 2008 at 09:17 AM