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Bronwyn G

My favourite invention is the World Wide Web by Tim Berners-Lee who brought it to wide use in 1989.

Ms. Roper

First let me commend you on your post Graciela! I love that you are including pictures and links in your post so the readers can see all of those amazing inventions.
If I could pick one of the inventions mentioned in the article it would have to be Nerf Showtime Hoops. Then I could listen to music from my iPod (another great invention) while playing basketball (thank you James Nasmith for inventing the game).


Miss Roper, are there any other inventions you like, why?


Bronwyn, I am also very glad somebody invented the worldwide web. I just wonder how ling it took them to invent it. do you know????

Bronwyn G

It took Tim Berners-Lee about 3 years to invent the world wide web: from 1989 to 1992.

Ms. Roper

I love computers and ANY other form of technology. Just like Bronwyn and you, I am glad that worldwide web was invented. I can’t imagine a day in which I do not use a computer or some type of technology (iPod, Pocket PC or even a cell phone). Those inventions have made communication, work and life much easier. Thank goodness we do not have to chisel words on a stone tablet when we want to write. I don’t think I would love writing today if that were the case or reading for that matter. Can you imagine how heavy a Harry Potter book would be if it were chiseled into stone?

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