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Bronwyn G

Hi, like your writings about icecream, but the timeline was really more like a list, when I wanted narrative drive/story to it.

My favourite icecream is mint and choc chip and my least favourite is mango.


My favorite ice cream is chocolate because it tastes so good. I hate vanilla becaaus to me it doesn't have a taste.

Mrs. Meeler

My favorite flavor of ice cream is either Rocky Road or a peanut butter cup blizzard from Brusters. My least favorite is any kind of mint or coffee flavored ice cream.

Your post was very interesting. The first paragraph was catching and interesting. The meat of the post (middle or body) was full of details but the word choice could have been better. Remember to use idioms and exciting words to add humor and personality to your writing.

Lastly, always remember to add the link to the article.

Good job!

Bronwyn G

I wasn't aware that it was based upon a link - I thought it was your own original work.

Ms Meeler, interesting about your favourite icecream flavours. When I went to Hoyts Melbourne Central, I ordered a New Zealand Natural and fell in love with their berry flavours. Just shows that some icecream is healthy ...


Celeste, why do you choose to like chocolate? What do you like about the flavor? Do you like any other flavors, if you do then why do you choose those?


Graciela I really liked your post. My favorite kind of ice cream is oreo cookie ice cream and choclate ice cream. Do you only like cookies and cream and oreo mint or do you like other flavors?


I think my favorite would be vanilla. I really don't know why but to me I think it's the flavor.


Rocio, why do you choose vanilla as your favorite flavor? I like vanilla to but with extra toppings. I dont know why, but for some reason I don't like plain flavors. Is that the only flavor you like and why?

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