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Mrs. Meeler

Paying Attention is very good advice that I hope your readers follow! I know your weblog is going to be very interesting because you are full of details! I can't wait to read more of your posts throughout the year! You told us about your cousin going to Washington D.C. and how you would like to travel too. Where all would you like to visit?


I Know your a great friend to me and you'lle one of my best friendsTI ever had.You have been very nice to me a lot and I aprishiate you for been nice to me. Graciela your weblog is very good I like it a lot I want to have a weblog to but I imagin like if its a lot of respansibility.Love yur weblog.
Be save. Your my best best best friend!And I just had one more question,when is your cause I forgot. Sorry I lost it.


Graciela I hope you have a great time in the weblog. I think you are going to be the best webloger in 5th grade.


I liked it because you put alot of intersting thing and i liked the part when you said you liked to take pictures of animals especially your pets.


I liked it because you put alot of intersting thing and i liked the part when you said you liked to take pictures of animals especially your pets.


Hello Graciela!
Wow! Your very first post is packed with the most intriguing details! I enjoyed reading it. You are interested in many things and I liked reading about the rocks. Do you have any other collections? I want you to know that I plan to pay attention to your writing!! Keep up the good work!

Mrs. Davis

Ms. Roper

Great post Graciela! I agree with you that it is very important for boys and girls to pay attention to their teachers (and parents)! We only want the very best for you all. Keep up the awesome information packed writing!


Thank you very much for the comment.And yes I do have other collections like collecting drawings.Well there's alot of things in my mind I cant even name them.I hope you'll find out more about me.


Hello. Good weblog



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