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Ann Waddle

This is a great BLOG! I have just learned about blogs, and am glad to see one for elementary students. I hope to post student writing to my blog very soon. We're in Tennessee...where are you?


you did a really good job on it.


mrs. poe class done a very good job for coming to chick -fil -a.


Do you ever go to Chick-File Night?
Well, I never go I don't know why.

Ms. Roper

I love Chick-fil-A! That is the reason I have gone to all of our Spirit Nights this year. I think they are a great company & have done so much for JHH by allowing us to have Spirit Night! Chick-fil-A has helped the school raise $1666.50 so far including the $50 they give to the winning teacher's class. That is A LOT of money we have been able to use to buy "feet" and other stuff for the students of House.

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